Welcome by Prof. Ioannis Kalavrouziotis
Your all Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch
Reverends Fathers,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As the scientific field of my specialization is the “water and wastewater and biosolids management,” with which I have been working for thirty years, and the subject of this Summit is the “Water spirit and Science”, I would like to transfer to you my experiences and thoughts about the possible interaction of the modern water technology and the spiritual aspects of water as used by our orthodox faith.
Basically, to put it in a synoptic way, the present Summit is going to examine the water in relation to the unity of cosmos, and in reference to the Monastic ethos, as well as in relation to contribution of the sustainable management of water blessing. The latter subjects will be presented by Theologians.
Personally, I intend to focus my attention to the possible interactions of modern water technology with the spiritual dimensions of water.
The water, like any liturgical action is not something in isolation, During the liturgy water is blessed, not to be kept but to be used so that it may manifest remission of sins, deliverance and salvation, leading to theosis. Α question that may arise at this point is: What could be the possible result of an interaction between modern water technology and and the teachings of Bible, including the spiritual water?
Human beings, throughout the centuries have related the idea of life with water and death, and the cognitive inertia, considering all these as a source of life. In this connection it must be stated here that the great civilizations were developed in areas of close proximity to water source (rivers, lakes, sea). The water has always been thought as a symbol of creation and a cause of catastrophe as well. It is also considered as the beginning of each biological cell and in this It provides and increases the life respect it is a source of life. It provides, it cures and renews, also increases the life and is always thought as a biological entity. Our relationship with water is unavoidably both fundamental and intimate.
The water meets for thirst and cleaning. our needs. Following these physical dimensions of the water role in human lives, the Bible also uses water as a metaphor to describe vividly the divine action. Thus, it is used in baptism and represents the transformation power of Holy Spirit. It is the conduit for the Divine grace that brings about the spiritual transformation in the life of the baptized individual. The act of immersion in water or sprinkling of water signifies the washing away of sins and the beginning of a life devoted to God. This symbolic cleansing through water is a fundamental principle and deeply rooted in the New Testament.
All the above mentioned constitute the core of the Bible teachings about the spiritual aspects of water, and in this respect one may ask the following question: What could be the relationship between the material and cosmic science of water technology with the spiritual water and more generally, with the spiritual Bible? Also, what results could possibly yield such an interaction?
The answer to these questions can be found in the book of Genesis 1:28, calling us human beings to show responsible care for the earth. for its creatures and for the environment. And more specifically we must care about:
– Preserving the natural environment
– Respecting the creation
– Applying sustainable practices in agriculture (Leviticus 25:4)
– Reducing consumption as much as possible, and
– Reusing and recycling what ever we consider as waste
It is obvious that all these exhortations of Bible are simple and effective ways, which can help us to secure and conserve the natural resources including the water, which is diminishing with the time, due to the climatic changes, as many areas are suffering from drought and desertification.
The Bible call us to show a stewardship based on ethical foundation , being compatible with the modern technical aspects of rational water use.
The water, being a basic natural resource, and in view of the increase of its need by humans, due to the population growth and to the fact that 85% of the annual water consumption goes to the irrigation of crops. Furthermore, the increase of its use by the industry, the personal care, and by the house holds, the problem becomes more acute with the time, additionally being affected adversely by the climatic changes.
We must have in mind that human beings are morally accountable to God for treating the creation in ways that best serve the Kingdom of God. Off course moral accountability and dominion over the earth depends on the freedom to choose. Nevertheless, this freedom must be exercised within the boundaries of God’s moral law as revealed in scriptures (Exodus 20:1-170), (Deuter 5:6-12), (Rom. 2:14-15). However one is sure, that Christian principles given by the Bible when applied in actual life can promote economic growth, if one uses rationally and judiciary the natural resources, such as that of the water, and can lead to the protection of the environment and to the quality of life.
The Biblically exhorted principle of sound stewardship are compatible with private properties right, and free economy, as long as people are held accountable for their actions.
With these thoughts in mind, I wish to all of you to have a successful contribution to this Summit and to propose useful conclusions with respect to the subject being discussed about the relation of Science and spiritual water
Closing my short address, I feel strongly the need to stress that the present generations must display responsibility towards delivering and presenting to the coming generations a healthy environment, by making everything possible to follow the useful exhortations of the science and of the Bible.
I also wish to express my sincere thanks to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and Father Ioannis Chryssavgis for Organizing this Summit Halki 2024.
Thank you for your attention,
Professor Dr Ioannis K. Kalavrouziotis
President of Hellenic Open University
Κωνσταντινούπολις 30 Αυγούστου, 2024