
The Halki Summit is a gathering of activists, scientists, journalists, business leaders, theologians, and academics engaging and working across intellectual boundaries to bring the global environmental discussion to a new and richer place. At the heart of that discussion is the belief that no effort can be successful without a fundamental change in values as manifested in ethics, spirituality, and religion.

Halki Summit VI will address the scientific and spiritual dimensions of water as a vital resource of our planet and a fundamental symbol of Christian theological and sacramental practice. Co-sponsored by the Hellenic Open University, it will assemble scientists and theologians from all over the world to discuss historical and religious aspects, but also technological and practical solutions to the water crisis. The meeting will be held in Istanbul and Halki on August 29–September 2, 2024.

Halki Summit V highlighted the groundbreaking initiatives and close friendship between Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, both of whom have made the climate crisis a central part of their prophetic ministry and profound message. Held in Istanbul and Halki on June 8–11, 2022, it was jointly sponsored by the Sophia University Institute of the Focolare Movement.

Halki Summit IV was held virtually (January 26–28, 2021) because of the lockdowns necessitated by the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19. It brought together eminent clergy, scientists, scholars, and theologians including Sotiris Tsiodras, Jeffrey Sachs, Bill McKibben, and Katharine Hayhoe in an effort to discuss the impact of and lessons learned from the novel coronavirus, as well as the vital relations between faith and science.

Halki Summit III brought together scholars and students from theological schools and seminaries all over the world for a discussion of “Theological Formation and Ecological Awareness” in Istanbul, Turkey (June 1-3, 2019), with such distinguished speakers as Metropolitan John of Pergamon, Celia Deane-Drummond, Elizabeth Theokritoff, Barbara Rossing, and Fred Bahnson.

Halki Summit II brought together pioneers and experts from around the world on the theme: “Theology, Ecology, and the Word: a conversation on the environment, literature and the arts.” The second Halki Summit took place from June 8-10, 2015, and included such prominent speakers as Terry Tempest Williams, Terry Eagleton, Timothy Gorringe, Raj Patel, and James Balog.

Halki Summit I, which focused on the theme of “Global Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability,” was held in June 2012, featuring such prominent speakers as Jane Goodall, Bill McKibben, James Hansen, and Amory Lovins.